There are many myths about SEO are that you should never follow because it makes huge
impacts on your websites in the search results page. To avoid the myths about SEO and rank
higher in search results you may hire the best SEO Company in India. Here are some
of the most common myths about SEO.

Myth 1 - Meta tags don’t matter:
Meta tags help to provide search engines with information about the sites. Meta tags are
snippets of the data that help to describe the content and it will not appear on the page but
only in the source code. They are invisible tags that help to provide data about your content to Google and the users. It helps the search engine to determine what your content is about and
it is more important for SEO. To get the most CTR or click-through rate you should have a
good title tag and Meta description. You should find the keywords that help you rank on the
first page and look for a password that has low CTR.
Find the best title tags and good descriptions on the content associated pages.
The important elements of a Meta tag are
The title tag
The meta description
Meta keywords
Myth 2 - No need to include a target keyword in anchor text:
The clickable text in a hyperlink is called the Anchor link. When you click the anchor link it
takes you to the blog.
Whatever the changes come with the Google update doesn’t matter the anchor text will always remain the factor for rankings. It is important to help users to find the
sites that contain the information that they need in a user-friendly manner.
Myth 3 - Focus on content and topics, not keywords:
The essential part of the SEO to get rankings in search results is by keywords. If you want the users to find your website and your content to rank in search results, you need to find relevant keywords and figure out why the searcher is searching those keywords and incorporate them into your content and Meta description.
To get more traffic on your website you can use or target the trending terms is one of the most important SEO strategies. It is essential to know the difference between long-tail keywords with three to four words and short-tail keywords with one to two words.

Myth 4 - The page titles should be less than 60 characters:
The Google search engine result pages are designed to display some of the numbers of
characters in the result page. But, it does not disclose the particular number of characters to
limit the page title information. If the title is less than 60 characters means then the search
engine result pages will not trim any words from the titles. But it is not a compulsion to have
the page titles less than 60 characters.
Myth 5 - Don’t care about the internal and external links:
The internal and external links on the page are considered as a sign of a genuine and healthy website by search engines. The internal links on the post are the backlinks that direct to other pages on the same website. The external links are also called outbound links direct users on your website to other sites. The page that has more links will rank higher in the search results as the links are one of the core ranking factors.
These are some of the Myths about SEO that you should never follow. It is important for your
business to get more traffic and to rank higher in the search results. You can find the best
SEO agency in india to know more about the myths and execute the perfect SEO